Tired of Chronic Headaches?
Have you suffered headaches for a long time? Been to several doctors without much help? Tried pills, injections, massage, acupuncture, chiropractor, or even surgery? Did you know that by various estimates 80-90% of headaches are muscle tension headaches (muscle spasms) and that the muscles in your forehead are related to your bite? If your medical doctors have ruled out organic problems (such as tumors), our specially trained Dentist may be able to help you. Discover why your treatments may have failed and discover a possible new solution. Call today for a dental headache consultation at (510) 595-1900 http://www.emeryvilledental.com/
Have you suffered headaches for a long time? Been to several doctors without much help? Tried pills, injections, massage, acupuncture, chiropractor, or even surgery? Did you know that by various estimates 80-90% of headaches are muscle tension headaches (muscle spasms) and that the muscles in your forehead are related to your bite? If your medical doctors have ruled out organic problems (such as tumors), our specially trained Dentist may be able to help you. Discover why your treatments may have failed and discover a possible new solution. Call today for a dental headache consultation at (510) 595-1900 http://www.emeryvilledental.com/